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Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Crooked Stranger

This morning I read an article on the life of an esteemed restaurant critic, Ruth Reichl. and of her book Garlic and Sapphires.

Because she was the most influential critic in the industry, nation wide, she received special treatment from top restaurants all over the places wherever she went, and they were so determined to win her favorable ratings that they had her photo posted for their staff to be able to recognize her right away so that everyone could then put on their best behavior and offer her the best of services.

Well she devised a clever strategy to beat them at their game-on one occasion she appeared as an old lady to the unsuspecting patron who ignored her and made her wait quite long before she got seated; overall she received a lukewarm attention from the staff. Well you can imagine the rest.

Jesus said (Matt.25:35) When I was hungry you gave me no food, I was naked and you ignored my nakedness, I was sick and you did not care for me and I was a stranger and you did not attend to me.

How easy it is to take for granted how much God wants us to treat all people alike and with equal respect irrespective of their social status, class or race.

Honestly there are many good reason not to get involved with other people with whom we are nor familiar or to treat with indifference people whom we do not know or those whom we believe to be of less importance or relevance to us, but ultimately, our actions will eventually be measured by the Jesus Rule-Since any one of those whom we ignore might turn out to be the Lord Himself.

It is hard to show empathy these days in our world, but we are a chosen generation, a Royal Priesthood Gods Holy Nation, set out to shine as light to a crooked and perverse generation.

So it might be Jesus wrapped up in a carton box somewhere in your neighborhood!


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