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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

DAY6:13/08/10 (Bugumeri Church)

Beautiful Bugumeri

We had our morning devotion before we left the guest house, our morning prayer time has become a special time for all of us to worship together before getting involved in the daily routine of ministry.
Rocky Road to Bugumeri.
Our breakfast was at Bodi (at the Bishops house) and we tried to sought out some of the materials we needed for the outreach to Bugumeri people.

The van could only go as far as the primary school from where the rest of the journey would be made on foot down a very rocky hillside and into a most gorgeous valley that is Bugumeri village

I was particularly worried about Eva, Jagodas mum, because of the precarious descent from Bodi plateau into Bugumeri but she made it without incidence and so did the rest of the team.

Contemplating our Water Supply.
We came by a pond of mucky water that we were told was their main source of potable (or unportable in this case) water. Patty came around to take some photo shots so we see if we could do something someday to make their drinking water better- It did not take long for us to see the murky water in our cooking pot but Patty tried to sanitize the water before its use in cooking.

When we came out from the little church building where we were welcome, and headed for the home of the pastor where we had more space to fellowship-We all wondered out aloud how the gospel band were able to get the musical equipment and generator down to this difficult place

They were playing wonderful Macosa worship dance that reverberated off the surrounding hills and the people were already there dancing to the African beat

We were told that that they stayed up till 1:00am the previous night dancing and this was the most Wow! Event in the area considering that people normally go to be at around 7pm and that it gets dark at 6pm

Women Empowerment.
 Dacil and her team had their special time with women to discuss issues affecting womanhood and to counsel them on some delicate situations that are brought to their attention and her team.

Doing our Special Number.
Peter preached on worship as a way to offer up ourselves to God as living sacrifices.

Robert played hand ball with boys and girls and they all had fun with a glorious back drop of Lake Victoria and the rolling green hills.

We prayed for the sick and blessed the people with our gifts and took some Photos with the School principal who received the gifts for the school

By the time we climbed back up to the plateau and to where we had packed the van it was getting late and it drizzled, everybody seemed elated, Joan panted from exhaustion from the climb-

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