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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

DAY9:16/08/10 (Kabondo Church) The Church Under a Tree.

Bigger Church, Bigger Tree.

When Jesus Says Yes Nobody Can say No!
The evangelism squad has gone out with Caesar and Jagoda, to preach to the people and pray or the sick.

Facing Challenging Situations.
We encountered lots of heart moving needs in this place, many spiritual and material needs that put so much pressure on our already depleted resources.

The medical team made notes of all the needs that we cannot meet on the spot while they prayed for some of them and administered treatments for those within our reach.

The Pastor of this church Emmanuel has endeared himself to Joan and already talked with her about going to a Bible college to widen his scope in ministry and to be able to help train some of his people in ministry.
"Cool Kabondo Cooks"
Patty and the other girls were very helpful in getting our meal ready on time (which we have all come to accept as when ever the food is ready-Pole-pole, hakuna-super-matata; no hurry take life easy)

Kids Playing with Team members.

Evening: When we received our farewell gifts from the Church we prayed under the Tree Church, The Pastor (Emmanuel) made an appeal on behalf of the member for us to help them get a church house to protect them from the elements.

Kabondo Kids.
I stood up and took in the surrounding green mountain side with the cool fresh breeze washing all over us, the sight was beautiful and the experience refreshing, I wondered if the members of this church realize what a blessing it is to worship God in this beautiful place? In response I reminded them that the last time we visited them they were under a much smaller tree but that God has widened their coast and today we stand under a much bigger tree with much more people worshiping Him here.

I told them what the Lord said to Zerubabel, do not despise the days of small things for it is not by power nor by might but by my Spirit says the Lord of host.

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